Wow! The first year of nursing school is over and done! I graduated and received my LPN diploma on June 24, 2005! I had a bit of difficulty right at the end with clinical and as a result, I nearly didn't graduate. But thankfully, with God's grace and through the prayers of many, things worked out and I was able to graduate after all. Summer report card:
Med Surg ~ B
Sociology ~ A
The next step is to take the PN NCLEX, which is the LPN nursing board exam. That should be sometime in July once all the paperwork goes through. Microbiology begins July 11 and it should be an intense 4 week course.
Based on the recommendations of my advisor and the dean of nursing, I need to decide by August if I'm going to work as an LPN for a year before going on to complete the RN portion of my training or if I'm going to try and work part time as an LPN while I go to school. Since I came into the program without having been a CNA first, I have a lot less clinical experience than most of my fellow students and they would like me to have a little more clinical exposure before moving on. Would appreciate everyone's prayers as I make this decision.
Right now, I am blissfully enjoying time off from studying! I have been enjoying visitors! We had a delightful time seeing some of the sights and catching up. Looking forward now to some free time to paint and pursue non-nursing interests for a couple weeks as well as more visitors the week of the 4th of July!