30 September 2005

9 Months to go!

Hard to believe that we are already through our first full month of the RN year! I have two classes this semester, Medical Surgical Nursing and Mental Health Nursing. While it sounds like an easy schedule, both classes are 7 credit courses so it is a full load! We have two instructors for each class and we will do a 7 week clinical for each class.

Currently, I am in the mental health clinical. I am working with veterans at the Knoxville VA Hospital which specializes in the treatment of schizophrenia and related disorders. I anticipated that this would be my least favorite of all the clinical rotations, but I'm finding instead, that I really like working with these patients.

In Med Surg, we have learned how to do in depth physical assessments and are studying surgical nursing as well as in depth study on the respiratory system.

The next couple weeks are BUSY! In the next 12 days, we have 7 tests, a 40 page case study, 6 days of journaling (about 40 pages worth), an oral exam on mental health medications and two smaller assignments for Mental Health. Enough to keep me more than busy!

When the class load has been less intense, I've been oil painting! You can see some of my recent work and some of my older stuff at the lpbonistudio link on the right side of the screen. Looks like painting will be taking a back seat to studies for a while!

Hope that everyone reading this will leave a comment so I can get an idea of who is following along on this amazing journey through nursing school!

Blessings and peace,