Wow! only 5 1/2 months until graduation! I can't believe the completion of nursing school is so close! Spring semester begins on Monday, January 16th! I have three classes, Comprehensive Nursing, Maternal Newborn Nursing, and Anatomy & Physiology II. It's a total of 17 credits, which is my heaviest course load to date. Will be a busy semester!
Christmas in Colorado was enjoyable. Loved the time spent with family! Was able to see nearly all my friends and also had a chance to enjoy the beautiful mild Colorado mid-winter weather! My mom is recovering nicely from her knee surgery in mid December as well.
I now have company here in Iowa as Jessie decided to move here with me for the next few months! It will be nice to have her here. We've been rearranging furniture and cleaning closets in order to give her some space of her own. We moved my study area out to the dining/living room as you can see in the above picture. It won't stay quite this neat once classes begin! In fact, I'll just about live in that corner for the next 5 1/2 months so I'm pleased that it's a bright pleasant spot!
Blessings and peace.