22 August 2013


Slow but sure, the garage is coming along.
Today my youngest son and I finally got the shelves up on the garage wall.  Now I have a place to store things like paper towel, toilet paper, empty canning jars, etc.  All the stuff that has been piled in the kitchen, the storage room and all over the garage.

We also got the big workbench moved up from the basement and into the garage, though it will take a bit more reorganizing to get it where it needs to go.

Next job is to put up the big shelves that I got for the basement storage room that will give me a better spot to store the big tubs of seasonal and holiday decor that have been stacked up in the middle of the room.  Once I have a place to put the things I want to keep, it should make it easier to see and get rid of the things I do not want to keep.

11 August 2013

The Dream... vs Reality

In my mind, I can imagine a serene, spare space in which to live.  It's white, open, peaceful.  Almost monastic in feel.  On Pinterest, I've been keeping a board called "A Simple Life", which gives a glimpse into my ideal.  

But in reality, I struggle with too much stuff.  With things that I do love, that have a bundle of sentimental emotions that go with them.  Such as artwork.  Artwork that includes things that I've painted and stitched, that my mother, aunt and grandmother painted, and pieces that I loved and brought home with me from various relatives, antique stores and flea markets.  Truth is that while I crave clean spare spaces, I'm a collector at heart.  And yet, it overwhelms me.  I struggle to find balance with it.  

On my recent trip to visit relatives in South Dakota, I was gifted with a painting by one of my Aunts who was a fabulous painter.  Suddenly, I have a whole collection of paintings with yellow and red tones in them. Crazy when it's these warm tones that are my least favorite colors!  I grouped them together and hung them on a wall in the dining room.  

The grouping includes two sunflower paintings that I did, an iris painting that my Mom painted (upper left) as well as some yellow mums she did, an Iris painting that my Grandmother painted (lower right), and two large florals that my Aunt painted.  

I put this floral painting by my Aunt on another wall.  My apologies for the dark grainy photos that I shot with my cell phone.  

In truth, it all feels a bit overwhelming to me right now.  Gone are my spare open wall spaces, the sense of serenity.  And yet, I want to enjoy these paintings, to see them out where I can enjoy them.  In time, I will probably get rid of all these paintings except the iris painting of my grandmother's, but for now I will enjoy them and the memories of loved ones that they evoke.  

I do wish that there was an easy answer to dealing with artwork of family members.  Work that is too good to just sell at a garage sale, but isn't good enough for a museum.  Since I am a painter too, I fear that my home will always overflow with artwork.