Be exalted, O God, above the heavens!
Let your glory be over all the earth!
Psalm 57:5
Unbelievable that there are only ten weeks left to nursing school! The past month has been busy with tests, care plans and as always, lots and lots of studying!
Easter was very enjoyable as my friends Bill and Sheryl came out to visit for the weekend!
Been getting a little bit of painting in when I need a break from studying. The spring landscape here is lush and gorgeous at the moment. Brilliant greens, vivid yellows and the flowering trees arrayed in glorious colors of the rainbow. Just lovely! My favorite time of year!
The next three months will be busy. Our RN Pinning ceremony (they don't do hats anymore) is Sunday 11Jun06. Graduation is Friday 30Jun06. And Stephen is getting married to Marsha on 29Jul06! Somewhere in there, I have to take nursing boards find a job! Lots to do and lots to look forward to.
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