Green Valley Lake

This is my favorite spot to study! There is a picnic table sitting here and it's lovely and peaceful. One of the nicest things about it, is that it's only 2 or 3 miles from where I live! Even on the weekends, it's quiet with few people about other than an occasional quiet fishermen.
Today was church. I have joined the choir. My voice is rusty after many years of little singing, but I'm enjoying it! One of my fellow nursing students is also a member of the church. It's nice to have a little comraderie with someone else close to my own age!
Here is an update on my kids for those of you who want to know!
Stephen called this afternoon and was full of excitement about things he is doing and learning in Marine Combat Training! He's doing well and seems happy and content. For those of you who don't know, Stephen and Marsha are engaged and planning on a wedding in a year or two!
Talked with Jonathan yesterday and he is enjoying his new position in the maintenance department at TSI. It was a promotion and has the added benefit of being just a daytime job rather than the rotating day/night shifts that he had been doing. It's also much safer for which I'm very thankful!
Jessie has a new job, working in the Bakery at Safeway! She's wanted to go into the bakery field for a long time, and is really enjoying it so far.
Zach is in his Junior year at Broomfield HS. He's active in youth groups at Broomfield Presbyterian and Broomfield Community Church. He's intent on going into illustration as a career and trying to figure out how to work some type of ministry into that! Zach and Paul will be moving to Broomfield in the near future as Paul is in the process of purchasing a home there close to the school!
Gary, my "adopted" son is currently working at King Soopers. He is looking at Bible Colleges as he would like to become a minister!
As you can tell, there is lot's going on in my kid's lives as well as mine! God has richly blessed us this year!
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