14 May 2007

New Apartment!

Greetings dear friends!

The days are warming up here in Flagstaff and winter appears to be a thing of the past, though I am told that snow can happen as late as June. It feels like I've been in Flagstaff for ages and ages, though it has only been 4 1/2 months. I'm slowly adapting to the area and getting to see many of the sights in the area.

I'm loving my job! Working with Moms and babies has turned out to be everything I thought it would! Working nights has been great too! I was a little anxious at first, but my nightowl tendencies have made it a fairly easy transition. I work with great people and overall, this has turned out to be a fantastic place to work! As part of my training, I've completed my NRP (Neonatal Resusitave Program) and ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support) certifications in addition to things like cardiac monitoring, fetal heart monitoring and lots of OB training!

Living near my sister has been lots of fun. So nice to get to spend time together every week after years of only seeing each other for a few days a year.

The past couple weeks have been spent moving into my new apartment! I'm a short 15 minute walk from the hospital yet it feels like it's out in the country. I have a nice view of a wooded hillside. It's a perfect spot to sit and watch the birds, very peaceful and relaxing! Getting this apartment has been yet another episode of God's hand working in my life. I was sitting in the apartment complex office trying to decide if I wanted to put down a deposit to get on the waiting list for an apartment. No choice which one, as this complex has quite the waiting list. As I was sitting there, the phone rang, and the person who was originally going to rent it back out. They turned to me and said, we just had a two bedroom apartment become available and since you are sitting here, it's yours if you want it. We walked over and looked at it and I went back to the office and signed the paperwork. After looking at lots and lots of apartments in Flagstaff, I think I got one of the nicest ones and it feels so wonderfully private and quiet ~ I don't think there is any other in Flagstaff situated so perfectly for me! Here are a couple of pics.

Welcome to my apartment!

The view from my patio to the hillside above.

I'm still unpacking boxes and trying to decide where to put everything! After living with my parents for several months and then living in temporary digs for the past 4 months, it is blissful to be in my own space once again! Next step is to get my painting stuff set up so I can start painting again!

Peace and blessings to all!

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